Friday, May 7, 2010

End of Year Overseas Expedition

Dear All,

In alignment with the school's strategic thrust, which is to allow Andersonians to be developed more holistically in this globalized environment, we are planning for an overseas trip during the December holidays at the end of this year.

We are tentatively looking at Taiwan. If anyone of you have any other countries in mind, you may want to provide us with your inputs, subjected to the following conditions:
  1. Non-Asean Countries (if you aren't sure which are the Asean countries, please do a google check.)
  2. Not too pricey, as there is only a certain amount that the school can subsidize, subjected to your family income per month.
As this overseas expedition will be greatly beneficial to you as it is going to widen your horizons, we encourage you to sign up for it. To ensure that you can be placed on the list of consideration, you may want to consider the following from now on:
  1. Excellent CCA attendance
  2. Enthusiastic participation in all NPCC activities
  3. Excellent academic results and/or value-add in your academic results
Should you have any questions, please feel free to approach any of the TOs.

Thank you!

Till then, continue to mug hard!!!

Mr Dennis Koh

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