Friday, March 19, 2010

Hurray & Accomplishments!

Congras to all campers as all of you have just completed your first camp for 2010 with NPCC.

Of course, to our newbies (the Sec 1s), don't be deluded yet as NPCC is not all the time so "physical challenging". For you this is the only camp this year as you equip yourself further with all the basic skills required of a true NPCC cadet. However if you like camps, the Sec 2 and 3 Adventure camp at Ubin await for you. And to those who have just missed it, it just too bad for u in 2010.

Furthermore, we are hopeful that the new batch of Sec 3 has learnt more about your future roles in NPCC. So we will look forward to your succession real soon!

And to the Sec 4s, hope that all of you have had a fulfiling and memorable time at the camp.

Finally, on behalf of all the TOs, we would like to thank our HI/CIs, Junbin, Weihao and Haswani who have specially taken time off to be with us at 2010 unit camp. Of course and not forgeting our ex-NCOs who have either rendered your help at the camp or even trying to pop by to support your fellow juniors. Thank you seniors!

Camp's now over! Everyone shall rest well and try to complete your holiday homework. Cheers!

Mr Koh

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